Gobierno de México Educación TecNM

Engineering in Business management


We are a career that provides professional training to students to get involved with their environment, favoring the economic development of the region with an entrepreneurial, competitive, ethical and human spirit.


To be an educational program that responds to the needs of its economic-social environment, providing innovative professionals with high performance, prestige, human quality and capacity in decision-making.

General purpose

Comprehensively train professionals who contribute to business management and process innovation; as well as the design, implementation and development of strategic business systems, optimizing resources in a global environment, with ethics and social responsibility.

Income Profile

Applicants to study this program must be graduates of the Upper Middle level and preferably come from the economic-administrative area, and have as entry characteristics the following:

1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.

2. Oral and written communication skills.

3. Ability to use information and communication technologies.

Graduate Profile

Develop and apply managerial and engineering skills in the design, creation, management, development, strengthening and innovation of organizations, with a systemic and sustainable orientation for effective decision-making

Design and innovate administrative structures and processes, based on the needs of organizations to compete efficiently in global markets.

Efficiently manage the organization's resources with a shared vision, in order to supply quality goods and services

Apply quantitative and qualitative methods for the analysis and interpretation of data and systems modeling, in organizational processes for continuous improvement, meeting world quality standards.

Design, evaluate and undertake new businesses and business projects that promote sustainable development and social responsibility in a competitive market.

Design and implement marketing strategies based on information collected from primary and secondary sources of the consumer or user of a product, according to market opportunities and threats.

Establish programs to strengthen safety and hygiene in organizations.

Manage comprehensive quality systems, exercising effective leadership and ethical commitment, applying the basic tools of engineering.

Interpret and apply legal norms that affect the creation and development of organizations.

Integrate, direct and develop work teams for continuous improvement and comprehensive growth of organizations.

Analyze and interpret financial information to detect opportunities for improvement and investment in a global world, which affect the profitability of the business.

Use new information technologies in the organization to optimize communication processes and make decision-making more efficient.

Promote the development of human capital, for the achievement of organizational objectives, within an ethical framework and a multicultural context.

Apply research methods to develop and innovate systems, processes and products in the different dimensions of the organization.

Manage the supply chain of organizations with a process-oriented approach.

Analyze and interpret the global economy to facilitate decision making in the organization.


Knowledge generation and application line

Register key: SPTE-LGAC-03-15

"Innovation, productivity and business competitiveness"



Km. 2.5 Carretera Federal Perote - México Col. Centro Perote, Ver. C.P. 91270


Email: contacto@itsperote.edu.mx 
Phones: 01 (282) 8-25-31-50
y 01 (282) 8-25-31-51
Fax: 8 25 36 68


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