Gobierno de México Educación TecNM

Engineering in Renewable Energies

General objective

To train competent human resources to intervene professionally in projects, strategies and actions for the generation, transformation and storage of energy from renewable sources, as well as efficient use of energy, within the framework of sustainable development.

Graduate Profile

1. Formulate, evaluate and manage engineering development projects related to managing renewable energy sources, within the framework of sustainable development.

2. Design and implement strategies for the efficient use of transformation energy and services.

3. Design, implement and manage installation, operation and maintenance activities of engineering systems used for the transformation and storage of energy from renewable sources.

4. Collaborate in technological research, development and innovation projects related to energy from renewable sources.

5. Identify and evaluate the renewable energy resource available in the environment.

6. Exercise entrepreneurial and leadership attitudes in decision-making in their professional field.



Km. 2.5 Carretera Federal Perote - México Col. Centro Perote, Ver. C.P. 91270


Email: contacto@itsperote.edu.mx 
Phones: 01 (282) 8-25-31-50
y 01 (282) 8-25-31-51
Fax: 8 25 36 68


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