Gobierno de México Educación TecNM

Engineering Forest

General objective

To train professionals with technical, analytical, critical, reflective, scientific, technological and entrepreneurial capacity, for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems for the benefit of society.

Graduate Profile

Prepare, execute and evaluate programs for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems.

Correctly apply and adapt the methodologies for evaluating timber and non-timber forest resources.

Generate research and transfer of appropriate technology to promote the growth of production, productivity and competitiveness of the forest area.

Plan and execute projects on sustainable watershed management.

Prepare and implement environmental impact studies and supporting technical studies in the various ecosystems.

Prepare and implement projects for the conservation of natural areas and restoration of degraded areas.

Organize, train and advise the actors of the forest sector, to start productive projects that promote development.

To sensitize society about the value of forest ecosystems for their conservation, protection and restoration.

Establish strategies for productive diversification by applying project engineering to forest production systems, to develop productive chains that generate added value.

Know and interpret the policies, rules and laws that regulate forestry.

Use and manage the appropriate technology for the transformation of forest resources.

Use information and communication technologies, applied to the management of forest ecosystems.

Develop management skills before local, national and international authorities.

Formulate and apply the criteria and indicators for the certification of the processes of use of forest resources.

Identify, diagnose, prevent and control the factors of deterioration of forest ecosystems.

Coordinate and collaborate with multidisciplinary and inter-institutional teams.



Km. 2.5 Carretera Federal Perote - México Col. Centro Perote, Ver. C.P. 91270


Email: contacto@itsperote.edu.mx 
Phones: 01 (282) 8-25-31-50
y 01 (282) 8-25-31-51
Fax: 8 25 36 68


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